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 Is this Love, is this Love, is this Love…?

Topic Proposal, Tentative Argument, and Research Questions



Finally, after two years of indecisiveness I have committed to media studies as my major.  It’s obvious that the media is one of the most influential industries in the entire world and has access to the minds and perceptions of millions of people.  The media is known for many of their deceitful strategies toward shaping the world into something plastic.  However, it inspired me to choose Media Studies with the concentration of journalism because I want the access to share something real with the world.

 One thing that the media has helped to corrupt is the image of love.  Love nowadays is often confused with sex and dysfunction thanks to “reality” television, and much of the music industry.  Through my journey of life and experience I one day want to release books and documentaries that share the truth about love in its fullness –not the lustful portrait painted by the media and entertainment industries.

Some people major in Media Studies: Journalism because they like to write.  Others, because they want to add to what’s already been done.  But, I am a Media Studies: Journalism major because I want the world to know the truth.

  1. What is Love?
  2. Why are dysfunctional relationships glamorized in the media?
  3. Why does sex sell?
  4. How great is the media’s influence anyway?
  5. How has our love life been effected?

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